The School’s Philosophy
A concept of modern education
The main goal of Doris Tenedi School is training according to European standards and building competitive personalities.
Our priorities are:
- Building a system for elite education and upbringing,
- Professionalism in training,
- Pragmatism and continuous regulation of the learning process,
- Creative interpretation and optimisation of educational content,
- Building morale and developing virtues in students,
- The continuous motivation of students,
- Integration of general education and foreign language learning while preserving national identity.
The priorities for achieving this goal are:
- Implementation of a system of elite education and upbringing,
- Professionalism in training,
- Pragmatism and continuous regulation of the learning process,
- Creative interpretation and optimisation of educational content,
- Development of students' talents and abilities and skills for flexible adaptation and action in non-standard situations,
- The continuous motivation of students,
- Integration of general education and foreign language training while preserving national identity,
- Conducting the training in a calm, stress-free and a protected environment with clear rules of order and high requirements.
Innovations in education
- Formation of learning skills,
- Formation of reading literacy,
- Formation of mathematical literacy,
- Formation of elements of scientific thinking and scientific approach in work,
- Acquiring the ability to work effectively with a large amount of information,
- Mastering communicative competence from an early age,
- Wide use of information technology in the learning process,
Care for everyone
- Own system for pedagogical diagnostics, control and assessment of the knowledge,
- Development of talent and initiative,
- Formation of personal qualities for individual and teamwork,
- Specialised training for study at home and abroad.
The school curriculum is flexible, comprehensive, with a reserve of time and the opportunity for modular organisation, providing interconnection and continuity in educational degrees of all major disciplines.