Since 2001, the school has been working on European Union educational projects under the Comenius program and in partnership with over 30 schools from various European countries.
In 2003, the Barter to the Euro project was completed.
In 2004 - the project "Formation of European self-awareness in young people". Both projects have been awarded quality certificates.
In the period 2004-2006, together with 21 representatives of schools from the European Union and countries outside the continent, the work on the project "For the water from here to the water from there, the water in all its states" was completed.
2007 - 2009 together with Poland, Romania and Turkey our students work on the project "European Times". In 2010 the project was awarded a quality certificate.
In 2009 the school prepared and organised with its own funding a charity concert and exhibition in honour of Europe Day - May 9 on the stage of the National Theater "Ivan Vazov". At the concert, the school received a prestigious award for overall charity work from the Board of the Bulgarian Red Cross.
In 2010 the school completed work on a self-funded project to "Build a system of skills in the field of applied arts, supporting the intellectual and personal development of students and forming an opportunity to generate resources for social assistance to disadvantaged people."
Three of these projects were awarded by the audit committees with certificates "For Quality", "For Quality and Applicable Products" and "For Building a Positive Environment in Project Work and Creating a Significant End Product of the Partnership".
At Doris Tenedi School, we also work on projects related to:
- BRC accident event,
- Antarctica - the month of Antarctica,
- Women's club,
- Space Month,
- Water month,
- Cooperation and joint projects with UNESCO schools, Vienna, Austria.