Bulgarian Language and Literature
New perspectives in the teaching of Bulgarian language and literature
In the teaching of Bulgarian language and literature at Doris Tenedi, it is reported that by mastering the richness of the Bulgarian literary language, students get acquainted with the socio-cultural significant features that characterise the Bulgarian heritage. This aspect brings to the fore the mastering of the language and speech culture as an educational strategy in the teaching of the Bulgarian language.
Students at Doris Tenedi gain knowledge of spelling, orthography, grammar and stylistic norms of the Bulgarian literary language, as well as skills for their application in speech practice. The study of the language norm is carried out in the context of collective language use, taking into account not only the linguistic characteristics of language phenomena but also their conscious or unconscious choice following specific parameters of speech communication.
Based on the provided educational content, the spheres of communicative activity are maximally diversified, the possibilities for language choice in the socio-cultural context are expanded. Mastering grammar is a fundamental, but not the only component of training, in which an important place is occupied by mastering:
- skills for social-communicative interaction,
- sociolinguistic rules,
- skills for adequate to the situation speech activity,
- text organisation skills,
- speech strategies and their impact on speech expression.
This orientation of the teaching of Bulgarian language and literature at the Doris Tenedi School corresponds most fully to the conditions in which it takes place, namely - the parallel study of one or two foreign languages. Such a situation poses a danger of interference between Bulgarian and foreign languages. Overcoming this phenomenon is achieved through the formation of skills to compare close or different language phenomena from one or the other language code, to quickly switch from one code to another in the implementation of varying speech activities in accordance with different social situations of communication.
Through the teaching of Bulgarian language and literature at the school, the students' attempts for self-expression and their own literary creativity are encouraged and stimulated.
All this stimulates the enrichment of teaching and learning techniques and outlines new perspectives in the improvement of the methodological variant of teaching Bulgarian language and literature chosen in Doris Tenedi.